Prednisone FAQ Answered

What Is Prednisone?

It’s a corticosteroid, not an anabolic steroid as taken by bodybuilders. Although both are steroids, they work in slightly different ways. Prednisone’s main effect is to reduce inflammation.

Does It Work Quickly?

Because the standard dose is twice the amount of cortisol your body produces naturally, this boost produces rapid changes in your body.

Do People Grow More Hair?

If taken over time, this can become a slight problem for women as facial and body hair can become more obvious.

Does Everyone Put On Weight?

This is most feared of the side effects, particularly among women. The majority only take Prednisone for short periods and there’s no weight change. But, over time, weight gain becomes more likely. Even if you do not put on weight, there’s a risk the existing weight will redistribute itself. Your face, the back of your neck and waist can swell.

What Are The Risks Of Catching Infections?

Prednisone affects your immune system, making it less effective in fighting off illness and infection. The higher the dose you take, the greater the risk. You should avoid contact with anyone else who is ill and never have a live vaccination. You are also more at risk from fungal infections, some embarrassing like thrush, others more serious.

Can It Really Cause Diabetes?

If you take a high dose for any length of time, this can produce glucose intolerance. When you reduce the dose and stop, your blood sugar level usually returns to normal and the diabetic effect stops.

What Is “Thin Skin”?

This takes time to appear. If it affects you, the first sign will be you bruise more easily. Should you continue with Prednisone at the same dosage, you will find your skin tears if you knock into objects with sharp corners or edges. The resulting wounds can be a danger, making it more likely you will pick up infections.

Does It Really Cause Acne?

This is slightly ironic but, although Prednisone is an effective treatment for acne when used in short bursts, it becomes a cause of facial acne if taken at higher dosage for too long.

Will You Find It Hard To Sleep?

Everyone reacts to Prednisone slightly differently. But some people do find the drug makes them more restless. It can simply show itself as a slight irritability, but a small number of people find their sleep disturbed.

Do People Get Depressed?

A small number of people do become depressed. This can be associated with difficulty sleeping. If this affects you, slowly stop taking Prednisone and your mood should stabilize and improve. If it does not, get medical advice.

Can I Just Stop Taking Prednisone?

If you have only taken Prednisone for a few days, there’s no difficulty. But take a high dose over a long period of time, and your adrenal gland stops working. In these cases, you must slowly reduce the dosage to allow your gland to begin working again. If you do not, there are dramatic effects as the artificial cortisol clears the bloodstream without there being any natural replacement. If it doubt, discuss this with your doctor.

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Prednisone Basics

  • what is prednisone?
  • before using prednisone
  • is prednisone for everyone?
  • prednisone dosages
  • possible side effects

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